

What To Expect After Getting An Eyelid Lift

Oct 4, 2019 | Eyelid Lift | 0 comments

As you age, excess fat may gather above and below your eyelids causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids, and bags under your eyes. Whether you want to refresh your appearance or improve eye function, Dr. Correa can remove the most common signs of aging with a blepharoplasty. Most patients only need one procedure in a lifetime.

*Individual results may vary

What Kinds of Blepharoplasty Are There?

There are two types of blepharoplasty: upper and lower. They can be done on their own or combined into one procedure. Dr. Correa will discuss your options and determine if you are suited for one or both.
Upper eyelid surgery addresses excess tissue that can impair your vision. It can also correct chronic puffiness and sagging skin in the upper eyelids. Under twilight anesthesia, this procedure can be completed in less than two hours.

Lower eyelid surgery is most commonly addresses cosmetic concerns such as sagging skin under eyes. Incisions can often be made on the inside of the eyelid, leaving no visible scar. These procedures are completed under general anesthesia.

Combination procedures provide enhanced anti-aging results with only one recovery time.

Removing excess skin and fat and altering the muscles responsible for expression is a skill requiring technical precision as well as a sense of artistry. Dr. Correa’s patients have reported a more refreshed look and feel following their procedure.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Recovery time is dependent on the extent of the surgery to address your individual goals. After spending some time in a recovery room, you can leave the same day to recuperate at home. Each person recovers at a different pace.

Following surgery, you may temporarily experience:

Tightness and soreness
Blurred or double vision
Light Sensitivity
Watery, dry, itchy or sticky eyes
Swelling and bruises

Eyelid Lift Consultations Available

You will be given aftercare instructions and, if needed, medicine to help with pain and discomfort. Most patients can return to work in two weeks, though bruising around the eyes can last a little longer. Your eyelids may be swollen and bruised for 1 to 3 weeks after surgery, and the appearance will continue to improve over three months.

What Results Can I Expect?

You can expect to see results within several weeks. Most people experience a boost to their self-confidence and enjoy a more youthful and rested appearance. For some, the results of blepharoplasty may last a lifetime; others may experience a recurrence of droopy lids.

Which Procedure Is Right For Me?

The best way to determine which procedure, or combination of procedures, is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Correa. Your consultation will evaluate your health, review your options, and discuss the likely outcomes and potential risks. After taking the time to understand your concerns and aesthetic goals, Dr. Correa will provide a custom treatment plan.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about Eyelid Lift procedures? Schedule your free consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Correa by filling out this form or by calling The Woodlands Plastic Surgery at (281) 918-8803. Proudly serving patients in The Woodlands & Houston, TX.
*Individual results may vary.


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