

Brow Lift vs. Blepharoplasty: Which is Better For Looking Younger?

by | Apr 17, 2018 | Brow Lift, Eyelid Surgery, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show signs of aging. Both eyelid surgery and brow lift are surgical procedures that can help you reverse the signs of aging and help you look younger. They are facial rejuvenation procedures that restore youth and beauty to the eyes and face. Which one is better for looking younger?

Brow Lift

A brow lift is a treatment for the upper face. This procedure physically raises the forehead and brows. It is also sometimes called a forehead lift and is performed to reposition and reshape the eyebrows, as well as reduce the appearance of horizontal lines on the forehead and deep vertical lines that form between the eyebrows. This procedure removes the common “furrow brow” that makes people appear constantly concerned or frustrated.


There are two types of Blepharoplasty – Upper Eyelid and Lower Eyelid. Upper eyelid surgery corrects excess skin located in the upper eyelids. As the muscles in the upper face relax, the skin over the eye can droop – sometimes to such a degree that functionality is impaired. Normal daily activities such as driving, reading and household activities can become difficult to do. Lower eyelid surgery is done to modify bags under the eyes, to correct wrinkling and to tighten a drooping lower lid. Excess fat can be removed through an incision just under the lower lashes or from behind the lid.

Which is Right for You?

In some cases, patients considering eyelid surgery can achieve the results they are seeking through a brow lift, or vice-versa. If you are struggling with hooded eyelids or sagging brows, a brow lift may help you look younger. Those with excess skin that hangs over the eyelid would benefit more from an eyelid lift. This results in a youthful upper lid with a defined eyelid crease and eyeshadow space.

Sometimes, when the brow is tightened, the sagging skin that is causing the eyelid to droop is effectively addressed. However, some patients find that they may benefit from both a Brow Lift and a Blepharoplasty procedure. These two procedures can easily be combined into a single surgery, so you reap the full benefits with just one time under anesthesia and one recovery period. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Correa, where he will go over which procedure is best for you. Correa Plastic Surgery proudly offers treatments in The Woodlands and Houston metro.


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