

How Can I Get Rid of Cellulite without Downtime?

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Cellfina, Cellulite | 0 comments

Cellulite is a common concern that affects nearly every woman at some point in her life. The dimple-like condition can have a negative impact on everything from the activities we participate in, to the clothing we feel comfortable wearing. The good news is, you can now tackle the often embarrassing problem with minimal pain, side effects, or recovery time.

Between work, family, and social situations, there isn’t much time for anything else. At The Woodlands Plastic Surgery, we understand how busy our patients’ lifestyles are these days. That’s why we offer minimally-invasive Cellfina® procedures so you can quickly get back to your normal routine after a simple in-office visit.  

What is Cellfina®?

Cellfina® is the first and only minimally-invasive procedure that’s FDA-approved to address the structural cause of cellulite. Cellfina® is a one-time procedure that produces real, long-lasting results. Treatments are quick, easy, and generally pain-free with the application of a numbing agent.

Cellfina® is done in-office and typically takes about 1-2 hours depending on the area of concern and the severity of your condition. Dr. Correa uses a specialized needle-like device to cut the connective bands that produce dimple-like cellulite. Cellfina®is safe and effective for treating cellulite of the thighs and buttocks.


What is Recovery from Cellfina® Like?

Most patients are able to drive themselves home directly after treatment. Aside from wearing compression garments (similar to leggings), there are minimal restrictions after Cellfina® treatments. Many people choose to have the procedure on a Friday and fully expect to be back at work on Monday.

Initial results can be seen immediately after treatment. Some post-treatment bruising and swelling may hide the final outcome of your procedure for 1-2 weeks. Cellfina® has a high patient satisfaction rate for upwards of 4+ years among many women.

Why Choose Cellfina®?

Unlike over-the-counter creams, pills, and serums, Cellfina® produces noticeable results with a single in-office appointment. Treatments are easy enough to fit into busy lifestyles without much downtime involved and have long-lasting results you’ll love. Say goodbye to dimple-like cellulite with a minimally-invasive procedure.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about minimally-invasive Cellfina® procedures? Schedule your consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Correa by filling out the form on this page or by calling The Woodlands Plastic Surgery at (281) 419-9119. Proudly serving patients in The Woodlands, Kingwood, and North Houston, TX.

*Individual results may vary.