

Does Liposuction Require A Lot of Downtime?

Mar 29, 2019 | Body, Fat Removal, Liposuction | 0 comments

Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that’s designed to remove isolated pockets of fat that are typically non-responsive to diet and exercise alone. More and more patients are turning to the procedure to get the sculpted physique they’ve always wanted. These days, liposuction has become a minimally-invasive procedure that’s often quick, easy, and virtually pain-free.

At The Woodlands Plastic Surgery, Dr. Correa offers three unique types of liposuction procedures based on the patient’s individual needs. Using the most advanced surgical methods, board-certified surgeon Dr. Correa has helped numerous patients achieve their desired results with as little downtime as possible.

*Individual results may vary

Downtime with Large Volume Liposuction

Recovery from liposuction has been dramatically reduced with newer, advanced methods. Through the latest surgical techniques, Dr. Correa can reduce bleeding, swelling, and downtime allowing you to quickly get back to your normal routine. While the most common method used today is tumescent liposuction, some patients may be better suited for ultrasound-assisted or laser-assisted liposuction.

The Procedure

Liposuction is done on an outpatient basis and you’re free to go home the same day but should take it easy throughout the healing process. You can expect redness, swelling, and bruising to be minimal but may peak around 48-hours post-procedure. A combination of prescription and over-the-counter medication should be sufficient for managing any soreness during this time.

Liposuction Consultations Available

Getting Back to Your Normal Routine

Most patients are able to get back to work just several days after treatment. Any sutures are removed within 7-10 days and you can start to incorporate more strenuous activities as you feel comfortable. It’s important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard otherwise you may prolong the healing process.

Compression garments should be worn as needed to prevent swelling. Dr. Correa will provide you with instructions on how often and how long you’ll need to wear your garment depending on the treatment area and amount of fat removed. Post-surgical swelling should mostly subside within 2-3 weeks.

Is Liposuction Right for You?

Patients should be close to their ideal weight and in otherwise good health before considering liposuction. Dr. Correa will help determine the best treatment option to help effectively meet your short and long-term goals. At the time of your consultation, Dr. Correa can also provide you with post-surgical information on how you can facilitate a speedy recovery with minimal downtime.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about Liposuction procedures? Schedule your free consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Correa by filling out the form on this page or by calling The Woodlands Plastic Surgery at (281) 419-9119. Proudly serving patients in The Woodlands & Houston, TX.

*Individual results may vary.