

Will A Tummy Tuck & Body Lift Give the Same Results?

May 7, 2019 | Body, Body Lift, Fat Removal, Tummy Tuck | 0 comments

More and more women are investing their time and money into looking and feeling their best self possible. Body contouring procedures are the gold standard when it comes to sculpting your ideal physique. Patients can get life-changing results with a single outpatient procedure.

While both tummy tucks and body lifts are able to minimize excess skin in the abdominal region, that’s about where the similarities end. Dr. Bryan Correa is a board-certified surgeon who routinely performs body contouring procedures for both men and women. Depending on your goals, he may craft a surgical plan that includes one or both of the following procedures.

*Individual results may vary

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck procedures are ideal for patients with excess skin or isolated fat pads in the abdominal area. The contouring procedure helps produce a smooth, flat belly without dimples or bulges. A tummy tuck can be done as a stand-alone procedure or paired with other surgeries for patients with multiple areas of concern.

Tummy Tuck & Body Lift Consultation

Body Lift Procedures

The primary goal of a body lift procedure is to get rid of excess skin after significant weight loss. The procedure often entails multiple surgeries in a single session giving the patient more dramatic results. A lower body lift can address the abdomen, flanks, lower back, outer thighs, and buttocks.

Dr. Correa takes a comprehensive approach to body lift procedures using the latest, most advanced techniques. Your procedure may include liposuction for fat removal, skin tightening and removal, as well as tightening the underlying muscles. Body lifts are highly customizable according to your individual needs and goals.

What’s Right for You?

Both tummy tucks and body lift procedures produce exceptional results almost immediately. Patients can see significant changes to their contours directly after surgery. Final results can take anywhere from 6-months to 1-year as post-surgical swelling fully subsides. Patients should have a stable weight with little to no fluctuations before considering either procedure.

Dr. Correa will assess your candidacy for body contouring procedures at the time of your in-person consultation. Dr. Correa is committed to providing you with an optimal outcome sans complications.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about Body Contouring procedures? Schedule your free consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Correa by filling out the form on this page or by calling The Woodlands Plastic Surgery at (281) 884-3189. Proudly serving patients in The Woodlands & Houston, TX.

*Individual results may vary.