

6 Tips to Your Best Breast Augmentation Recovery

by | Jan 2, 2020 | Breast Augmentation | 0 comments

Every woman’s body is unique, which means recovery timelines can vary. Dr. Correa is board-certified and has years of experience in all aspects of breast enhancement procedures. He will be able to assess your overall health and give a more individualized timeline for your recovery. Following Dr. Correa’s tips and recommendations will ensure your optimal breast augmentation recovery.

1. Ask for Help, You’ll Need It

Breast augmentation is a major surgery, after which you will be sore and tired for a few days. It is recommended that you have someone pick you up and stay with you for the first 24-72 hours.
Everyday activities may feel exhaustive or extremely painful. You should avoid heavy lifting including picking up children, for six weeks. Having someone check-in daily to assist with housework or childcare will be helpful during your initial recovery.

2. Prepare for Pain Management

Following your breast augmentation, you may experience pressure and tightness across your chest. Though many women can manage their pain with over-the-counter medications, Dr. Correa may prescribe pain medication. You may want to use a pill planner since opening pill containers can be painful. You should avoid driving until you are finished with all narcotic pain medications.

3. Invest in Recovery Garments

You will experience a considerable amount of soreness and swelling following your breast augmentation. Although this will naturally dissipate over time, it is strongly recommended that you invest in recovery bras. These garments should have:

  • Breathable fabric
  • Adjustable straps
  • A seamless design
  • A pressure-free fit

These will support your breasts, help reduce pain and swelling, and speed up your recovery. You will need to wear this at all times for 4-6 weeks.

4. Rest Often, Sleep Carefully

It may seem obvious, but getting enough rest during your breast augmentation recovery is extremely important. Sleeping in an upright position is best – you should avoid sleeping flat on your back or belly.
You should have plenty of pillows in your recovery area. Pillows will allow you to prop yourself at a comfortable angle and prevent implants from shifting while the tissues heal. Taking it easy can improve your chances of a quick and healthy recovery.

5. Eat Healthy and Drink Water

Your first week following your breast augmentation will be the most difficult. Your kitchen should be stocked with healthy, light foods to give your body the energy it needs to heal. Sugary or salty snacks will not help your body recuperate. It is easy to become dehydrated during this time, so drink a lot of water. Avoid large bottles as you won’t be able to lift them.

6. Try to Stay Positive

Your recovery relies on your mental and psychological mindset, as well as your physical considerations. You may be disappointed with the speed of your recovery or aspects of your results during the recovery process. You may also experience anxiety or depression. Adjust expectations as needed and lean on your family and friends for support. Try to remain positive.