
thigh lift The Woodlands

thigh lift

If diet and exercise have not given you the toned thighs you envisioned, you should consider having a thigh lift. A thigh lift is a solution for people who have accumulations of fat in the inner and outer thighs and have lost skin elasticity due to aging or significant weight loss. If you’re looking to slim your thighs with a thigh lift surgery, give us a call to find out how we can help you achieve your image goals.

Quick Facts:

Average Procedure Time

1 – 2 Hours

Average Recovery Time

7 Days

Covered by Insurance

Not Typically


about the procedure

A thigh lift removes excess skin and fat accumulations from the inner thigh and tightens the underlying tissue. This reshapes the thighs and smoothes the skin reducing the appearance of bumps and dimples. Liposuction is commonly performed at the start of surgery, and then the excess skin is removed. The underlying tissue will be sutured to form the contours best suited to the anatomy of the patient and then the incision will be closed.


the recovery

If you have a very sedentary job, you should be able to return to work after the first week, once you have had your follow-up with your doctor. Swelling will decrease gradually over a 6 week period. Strenuous exercise should be avoided until you get the clearance from your doctor.

The incisions will usually look their best in the first few weeks after surgery and then will go through a temporary phase for several months where they will be more pink or red and then gradually return to a softer, flatter, more pale appearance usually over the last 6-12 months after surgery. It is important to shield the scars from the sun, either by avoiding it altogether or using a sunblock.


Individual results may vary

are you a good candidate?


You are in good health


You are at or near your ideal weight


Have realistic expectations of the final outcome


Do not smoke, or are willing to abstain before and after surgery


You have stable weight with little fluctuation


your journey starts here

As some of the The Woodlands best plastic surgeons, Dr. Bryan Correa and Dr. Caroline Clarke perfectly blend their work with total artistic integrity and detailed patient analysis. Instead of simply performing any procedure asked of them, our doctors dedicates extra time and effort to assessing all plastic surgical solutions for each unique patient to achieve their wants, needs, and goals.

book a free consultation

Inquire today to take the first step toward achieving your aesthetic goals

discuss your options

We’ll learn your wants and needs and discuss a plan to achieve them

build a plan

We conduct a comprehensive exams to determine the best plastic surgical solution for you.

love your results

We communicate with you every step of the way, even during recovery.